Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Rise of a Geek pt 2 What I Like

Sometimes I like to make lists. Not to do lists, but I like to write down things I like and dislike. I find that it gives me a visual to who I am at that point in time. Do my lists change? You bet they do, sometimes daily.  So this will be the first of many Things I like lists enjoy!! and make one of your own. As a Christian  Jesus and my Family are given so don't wig out my list are superficial are in no real order.

1. Def Leppard

2. Alienware Computers 

3. Playstation

4. Wrestling (All of It)

So there, Today's Top 4!

The Rise of a Geek Pt 1

  I have always owned a Geek flag. Deep in my heart I am the embodiment of the guys from the Big Bang Theory
except I'm not a scientist on the contrary I am a theologian so in retrospect I am a Geek Pastor. I have always wanted to let my inner Geek or Nerd come out and now at the ripe old age of thirty seven I am going to do just that.
  I have never been held back by anyone so I have no one to blame but myself. After a few rough years my wife and I decided we were going to enjoy life. We braved the world and what life had to throw at us and we came out smiling and stronger. I realized that I just want to be me. In all areas of my life I promised God, my family, and myself that I was going to be the same guy in all aspects of my life and so far I am the happiest I have ever been. I refuse to compromise who I am so everyone else is happy but me.
    So over the next few entries I will take you on a journey of how I came to this point and who I am and what I like.While some my think who cares. I missed writing and through inspiration of some friends I am going to cronicle my life from this point on!